MCPA Membership Levels
MCPA Membership Year is January 1 – December 31
Chiropractic Physicians Practicing in Missouri
Regular Member: $550 Annual Dues
Regular Members are Chiropractic Physicians who have been licensed in Missouri for 5 or more years. Based on license date with the MSBCE.
First Year Free Member: FREE
First Year Free Members are Chiropractic Physicians who are in their first year of being licensed in Missouri. Based on license date with the MSBCE.
Second Year Member: $157 Annual Dues
Second Year Members are Chiropractic Physicians who are in their second year of being licensed in Missouri. Based on license date with the MSBCE.
Third Year Member: $288 Annual Dues
Third Year Members are Chiropractic Physicians who are in their third year of being licensed in Missouri. Based on license date with the MSBCE.
Fourth Year Member: $419 Annual Dues
Fourth Year Members are Chiropractic Physicians who are in their fourth year of being licensed in Missouri. Based on license date with the MSBCE.
65+ Member: $288 Annual Dues
65+ Members are Chiropractic Physicians who are turning 65 during the current calendar year and have an active license in Missouri.
Faculty Member: $288 Annual Dues
Faculty Members are Chiropractic Physicians who are full-time faculty at a Chiropractic College or University and have an active license in Missouri.
QUESTIONS? Contact the MCPA Office at 573-636-2553 or email
Chiropractic Physicians Not Practicing in Missouri
Out of State Member: $263 Annual Dues
Out of State Members are Chiropractic Physicians who have their office outside of Missouri and are currently licensed in another state
Retired Chiropractic Physicians Not Licensed in Missouri
Retired Member: $100 Annual Dues
Retired Members are Chiropractic Physicians who are past MCPA Members who no longer have an active license. Please contact the MCPA Office at 573-636-2553 or to see if you qualify.
Chiropractic Students
Student Member: $10 Annual Dues or $25 for 3 Years
Student Members are Chiropractic Students enrolled in a Chiropractic College or University
Other Membership Opportunities
Associate Member: $263 Annual Dues
Corporate Member: $750 Annual Dues
Corporate Members are professionals who offer products or services to Chiropractic Physicians in Missouri and want to support the Chiropractic profession in Missouri. Benefits of this membership include discounts on vendor opportunities and advertising and access to our Group Health Insurance
Payment Frequency Options and Prices
MCPA offers flexible payment options that include:
- Annual Payments
- Recurring Credit Card Payments: Semi-Annual, Quarterly, and Monthly
- Invoicing with paper and online payment options: Semi-Annual and Quarterly